
Hard drives are legacy: old tech. The IO systems in computers have been dominated with ageing tech for years. Providing a better method of storing & accessing data will free up current processing tech like you wouldn't believe.

I think they're quite content with being #1 home console on the NPDs month after month after month.

Eurogamer face off of Black Ops proves otherwise.

only because 2 was so much better. 3 was alright. 2 was classic.

^again, this.


^ this.

I pretty much loved halo wars, played it all in coop and ground out some cheevs. Could be more fun though - having kinect might work but juding from my experience with it they'd have to crank up the hand tracking several degrees [vs dashboard experience]

Wow, anal & obtuse at the same time. Good effort!

It's intensely successful for a formulaic shallow single player experience & recycled online experience when good deep experiences are getting shut down for not being successful enough.

no friends then?

I honestly thought this was going to be some sort of interesting way of measuring wattage or something.

And that is why yesterday was a sad day.

cheer up dude :)

Drone vs bus = drone wins.

my son smells bubbles.

Made me laugh *shrug* :)

Of the many things that have defined my gametime on the 360 the forests of cyrodill remain one of the nicest.

So if you buy a car and it constantly fails to drive anywhere regardless of the driver.. that's the purchasers fault?