
I finish games i love so i can get a clean break and move on to my next relationship..

@omegasc: It was called Another World here i think - I liked the fact the protagonist was a redhead :)

Unreal Tournament - the game itself cost me diddly but i spent years upgrading my machine just so i could clan in the iterations of UT which overall cost me thousands.

@omegasc: You must be *REALLY* disappointed.

@dgkz0idberg: good stuff. It'll still suck but just get on with your life.

@Fak99: I wouldn't call it irony as much as eating crow/hat/foot.

The world is bigger than you and you must use skills & tools to be better and conquer it.

Anyone thinks that sex means nothing in mass effect fails to take into the alignment of characters pre-post the sex.

Embedding disabled by request... watch on youtube..

@Skutarth: since when is a finger NSFW?

@Fak99: Or valve could just get their arses in gear and not abandon their customers on platforms that aren't the PC like they've been doing for years.

@Raso719: hint: they'll stop existing as devices.

@HobbaHobba: waiting for Move's so they have some competition.

@Fak99: Ah, you mean so instead of supporting their games properly they should just implement a whole other system that they can be lazy with?

@Mrrix32: ow, right - makes total sense now though i wouldn't have imagined it to be a problem in the first place.