Edgey Reason

I’m so sick of this argument. 3%, 3.5% at the highest in some areas. How many Johnson supporters do you really think would have supported Hillary? He siphoned Republican votes, not Democratic. What gives you the right to tell people how they should have voted, or that their vote was shit? That is exceedingly arrogant.

Well said!

Well, a hip-liberal know-it-all wrote the article.... Did you expect substance?

Sure, blame someone else for your misfortunes. This article alludes that your or my vote “belongs” to someone else. That’s just being weak. Your candidate lost, deal with it. F**K Ellie Shechet. (BTW I voted for Johnson)

Fuck you Ellie for using your platform to undermine the progressives populist movement leaving only an autocratic oppressive populist movement for people disenfranchised by rich establishment politicians working for rich people on the backs of the rest of us. Fuck you for ridiculing a good man who wanted to actually

You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with

This is preposterous. If anything, Johnson took Trump votes and helped Clinton get the edge in Colorado, Nevada, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, each of which she won by a smaller margin than the total # of votes Johnson pulled in.

No, Fuck people who voted *for* Trump. Fuck the people who *didn’t* vote.

It is childish to blame people who didn’t vote for the cheet-o.

Fuck Hillary Clinton. She lost all on her own. Its her own damn fault, not some boogeyman 3rd party voter. She isn’t owed those votes. She failed to inspire people to vote for her and that is simply her fault.

Blaming the election of Donald Trump on Gary Johnson is bullshit. And, lazy.