
No it’s more like: “You bet your fucking ass!”

What a breath of fresh air!

So bad it’s good you gets da starz

Also correct!


So winning the internet

Very dusty...but also very bright!

all the stars for this link... what a fun 40 mins or so!


This won the internets today!

The ergonomic repercussions would be fascinating so study as well.

“They paved paradise and put up a parking lot”

no not low quality... locally farmed and very well prepared... avarage roast is about 6 lbs. ribeye steak is 1lbs and 2 inches thick... portions are large hence the “left overs”

Agreed once again! use your freezer! And no one said use the slow cooker every day! Yes, this is a first world problem... only in the first world could we even have a cooked food vs. fast food issue!

Ohh I agree! We have a different family structure you and I... I’ve got a family of 6 and I buy a half a beef every year so it doesn’t matter if I’m eating a burger or filet... it is about 1.53 a pound. if you are buying meal to meal well thats just crazy...

Or men quit cooking somewhere along your 1950 to 1980 trip.

unless you make your cookin make use of your time and money! As a few have posted you can make a roast in the slow cooker and have rosat beef one night...roast beef snadwiches the next day and maybe kip a day and have a roast beef open sandwhich with gravy... mean while do a pork tenderlion in the slow cooker and you

what gender was that?

and you can have—holy cow (steak and sides for 4)—at home for 15-20$ in the same time frame!