
Think about that the next time you want some thing to eat...

Newegg... just saying

Seal level 1

Mini Cooper 4 life

HVDC and AC can coexist on the current AC grid.

yep when the see ya rollin’ they be hatin’...

Absolutely! 《Raises stien》

While the naming system may seem like “bullshit” you should realize that it makes it much easier for first responders such as power lineman, DOT, and others to document large scale events that they worked. This comes in handy come yearly evaluation time at their present company or on the resume for a new company.

As Steak should be.

This is an excellent point. Read an article not long ago about how China was out sourcing to India because they were cheaper.

Sorry humans still not evolved enough... still have head in ass syndrome

Or that no single food product makes up such a large percentage of our food supply (think potato blight).

While this is really bad (really really bad) I shudder to think what will happen when someone or something finally lights a fire under their ass to get this fixed.

Psoriasis of skin and bone here same type of background. This could be a life changing treatment (fingers crossed) for people with conditions such as ours.

I know I know

Richard Price approves this message.

I personally am in love with door number 3...

Just came back from holiday in Newfoundland they had fiber to the door at a fishing cabin in launce aux meadows... some provinces are better than others I guess.

^^^ this so this