Today's weather is 86 degress with a 30% chance of rain.
Today's weather is 86 degress with a 30% chance of rain.
LMFAO!!!!!!!! That's awesome!
dem hips
I take it you watch Supernatural?
This x999999999999. Especially in an unmolested-by-safety laws ways. Keep it light, focused and true to the original and you have a winner.
Great Choice!
Thank you!!! Total fail on the wannabes.
I wonder if it'll be considered a "hypercar"
This picture is relevant and therefore wins so hard.
+1000 internets for you! That was awesome!
LMAO gotcha! I'm reading up on McLaren as we speak. Fascinating team and history.
That makes sense. Your first sentence reminds me of this Philosiraptor meme:
Ahhhhh I see, didn't realize that. Thanks for clarifying N@tedog. :)
Disregard that, It seems I misinterpreted that first sentence in the article. I thought it was saying that the MP4-12C was McLaren's first attempt at a sports car for the regular wealthy. I didn't take into account how much the F1 cost when it was released and how the MP4-12C is "reasonably priced" compared to back…