
"The 2012 MP4-12C is McLaren Automotive's first attempt at a sports car for the regular wealthy, not the ones with unicorn stables at their million-square-foot ectopods in Jackson Hole Nebula."


I can't wait till Top Gear gets a hold of this car. I'm kinda hoping they do a Top Gear Race across several countries against another form of transportation that has yet to be used. Oh wait....

This is the only thing I could think of to describe this... thing?

sweet!!! :)

I just watched it again, and had Yakity Sax playing on a separate tab LMAO!!! even funnier

needs more Yakitty Sax! LMAO

Can you imagine this thing in your rear view mirror???? LMFAO!!!!! Click that CP like a bau5. I wouldn't even touch it with a pole 3,47x10^14 miles long.

You fail.

It appears I get it into 1st gear but it somehow doesn't want to come out! Oh my!

I think it's a neat little car.

Because Juke R

oooooooooooooooooooo! nice!

LOL I love this GIF

Watching this makes me realize I'm missing out on a great game I should acquire.

/runs to internet....

I'm currently watching this anime. I'm liking it more and more.

If this doesn't get first or second place tomorrow, I'm shutting the internet down. literally. That's how much is at stake here.

Top Gear's rendition of the BMW art car.

/raises hand