Ha! Brilliant!
Ha! Brilliant!
Well If it makes you feel any better, you have many cars and many editions of awesome cars we can't get here. :).
I hear ya. I'd also like to own one someday.
wow....That. Is. Sexy.
Agreed. There was a statement he said during the news in season 18 that had me crackin' up. "I can't dumb it down to your level because I'm scared of heights". I forgot what episode though. One of his best moments LOL.
#6 Awesome socks! I don't care what people say, James May is pretty awesome and funny too.
heart click!
aerial view
This is impressive beyond all measure. Thanks for sharing that link. You Rock!!!! Heart click!
awesome pic BTW. I'd kill for one of these cars.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!! WIN
Looks fake