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I think the episode when they go to China and introduce the Stig's Chinese cousin was awesome!

I love you.

What's this?!

Wow. wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow. This video doesn't do it justice though. I need to see this in person. I guess I'm going to Texas in November.

Even Peter

LMAO that's exactly what I thought when I saw it.

simple. with fire

lmao awesome


Somehow it is funnier :)

Thank you for clarifying that one. :)

Thanks! :)

I've always wondered what are those smoke-like trails airplanes dispense. I heard once that it was burning of oil, or something to that effect. I believe this is similar to what those light stunt aircraft burn when performing stunts at an airshow.

I see. I was there about 3 weeks ago. Also, did you mean the Top Gear presenters were "cigarettes"?

Top Gear UK even came out here to test out this road. Although they were disappointed, the views are awesome. BBQ FTW!!

LOL spot on!

So awesome! LMAO!!! I nominate this

Wow, what a launch! Watching it doesn't really do it justice. When you're at a set of lights and there are two bikes getting ready to race a GT-R, it's even more impressive. Needless to say, these are two of my favorite cars. ZR-1 needs a stig-like being at the wheel.