
Perfect!!! Thanks!!

I did not want to waste keyboard energy by typing an entire sentence just to express my feeling on that played out word here. So "stop" was the right amount to get my message across to you. I'm not being a douche-troll. Nothing against the word, just annoyed at how it's been overused here on Jalopnik. I apologize if



I still think the F-15 is one of the best if not the best aircraft to ever grace the aerial battlefield.

LOL That was awesome

This is awesome!. I love you.

This should be good.

I was a fan of the show myself. I remember coming from school just to watch it. I also wish they made more games :(

Kinda reminds me of Zoids

This guy is TOOL! Straight up tool! I can't stand this guy. I'd rather have an intern host rather than him.

this wins so hard!

third...ed??? yeah thirded.

Ah! You're correct, I realized my mistake. Thnks!

"Swiss"? Not sure if serious or just trolling to start another meme, similar to the, "lambo". Confusing an Italy and Sweden is worthy of internet punishment. Also, dat Bugatti.

seems that way lol


LMAO. Ultimate Trolling Win. +100 internets for you

Or on the front door to my house lol