Adam Driver, until recently best known for his work on the HBO hit series Girls, was a U.S. Marine before becoming…
Adam Driver, until recently best known for his work on the HBO hit series Girls, was a U.S. Marine before becoming…
Because before all the critics of the F-35 spent a decade arguing it should be cancelled in favor of the F-22, they spent a decade arguing the F-22 should be cancelled in favor of the F-15.
The USAF’s biggest aircraft, the giant C-5 Galaxy, is not known for its reliability or ease of maintenance, although…
Ian Fleming, the original author of both Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang: The Magical Car and more famously James Bond, was…
A much-loved longtime law enforcement canine lost its life last night as members of France’s elite hostage rescue…
One of the Air Force Special Operations Command’s brand-spanking-new AC-130J Ghostrider Gunships has to be scrapped…
Russia’s love for anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles is no secret and a wide variety of weapons have been…
Red Flag is an exercise held in three to four cycles each year which aims to provide realistic combat simulations…
There are a few places where the Blue Angels regularly perform that put their aircraft in fairly close proximity to…
After pulling off an amazing display at Royal International Air Tattoo last month, the last flying Avro Vulcan…
The Daily Beast reports that a series of classified war gaming exercises ran by the Defense Department have clearly…