Edgar Ríos

can we expect any new bamboos soon? or is it fine to buy one now?

will it have short term memory loss? ha!

they probably included their ad's time.

stupids, its a combination of the iPhone, iPad and iPod, duh.

"Instead of merely exploring the giant phone, he decided to go one step further and root it."

make a badass commercial, use red, discount another 50 bucks.

didn't apple patented their stores a while ago?

20 actually, the remote for the macs costs $20. i was surprised, i wanted to buy two

loved the title, i lol'ed. i imagined someone really doing it. xD

horrible video, crappy music, crappy footage. -.-

corrections: 20... o c'mon

okay so, let me unplug my printer & plug in my broadband USB, shit. -.-

how much do you think the T2i's will go down to?

you guys are just jealous.

i dont think Sony would put that on it's screen, besides the shadow below the screen throws me off too. the stylus is not straight. and top part looks too noisy. i call phptoshop, but it does seem like a likley thing.

@Aklost: ok, macbook pro + imac 4g monitor?

@iii moozez iii: Yeahh! i noticed that, i also feel sorry for him :s

macbook air + imac 4g monitor. ;D

@Norbs: you just made my day.