My friends and I always debate those same three as the best but differ in slotting them. The three best though.
My friends and I always debate those same three as the best but differ in slotting them. The three best though.
And here is Gizmodo's pocket-protected winner.
Oh I believe you, but your wording inexplicably kills me since you verified it's hilarity first,
One of the greatest arcade games ever too.
That seems moderately calm for a Friday night. Granted it's a split-second capture. Never been to Caroline's, the Comedy Cellar is fantastic though. I love the showcase style with 5-6 comics for on price.
You have to use
You'll be fine man. At the end of it all you're literally only commenting on a web site. You already seem to have grasped don't make the obvious jokes like Rex Ryan's feet or Tiger Woods has a lot sex lol. Have fun.
Freshman and hookers? You son of a bitch!
You have to go. So does Steve U. Then do a comparative analysis in DUAN.
[] href="">#comments
You sick bastard. If you knocked up that cute quiet freshman in high school you could damn well be Emma's father!
I believe that picture is a reproduction of the famous Italian Vatican scultpure I Bambini Lurer
Bellagio buffet. And hookers.
Go for it. I'm pretty sure he's just emceeing but that still forces him to make a few joke attempts.
If someone explains comedy to Artest watch out. His interpretation of Setup, Punchline and Tag may lead to 2nd degree rape.
Didn't those Spaniards tell you to shower after running around naked like that?
You wouldn't want any other Cav, would you?
It's been a few weeks, Bruce has had enough clemency tossed his way.
Everyone on my train thought I was psychotic as I held back laughing out loud but had a shit eating grin while reading the WakeUp post. Set the tone for the entire day. Nice job.