Never too old to experiment with crack for the first time. Maybe something will go awry and you'll see real sparks fly. Live on the edge man.
Never too old to experiment with crack for the first time. Maybe something will go awry and you'll see real sparks fly. Live on the edge man.
C'mon, AJ is a pro. It's all about the Mediate rankings.
ESPN TV/College Sports DUAN:
I laughed aloud. Then coughed up phlegm.
I show it to everyone at school.
Don't confuse Mauritania with Maura and Tina either. They were the two Irish-Catholic gals Mort Sahl brought along on college campus tours to fluff him before each show.
You both win. +1
You win. +1
Jaromir Jagr is in New York and planning to make a decision shortly.
They've had tip calculators on phones for a while now...
There's validity in your statement. I too held back on memes and a overanalyzed a bit but then realized I'd been doing this for over a year. We got approved for a reason. Also I think the whole thing is what Hatey means when he's been saying circle-jerk recently. But does that make us our own anti-circle-jerkers…
Eh but I get the sentiments look alike is a bit too easy. The sloth/Jacobsen is no gem but it took at least a half-assed effort.
Missed Earlier Thread/ ESPN Movie DUAN. I was a tad disappointed that didn't turn into a picture thread. I saw the NINJA was out in force but believe that was more for obvious look alike jokes. Well anyway, they cast Dana Jacobsen already. See below.
I liked the original Vuvs. Shoulda rolled with it.
This theory is intriguing. For example is one person two commenters working different types of material? I'm looking at you I Like Cheep Beer and JohnnyDrinky.
Bad idea. It didn't turn out well for Jesús when the apostles were only joking about those Rise Together tattoos.
FACT: [fakt]