
Not sure, was he buying Haley's new half Vodka half supplement: Brotein?

Ahh, nevermind then. Gotchya.

This is recent but I read it late. I'm still chuckling.: [deadspin.com]

Speaking of MBA, who runs that, and can they get the links to work correctly? You're reading this I bet! I love the site since I miss good stuff during the day, but the links need to be fixed.

Yeah, yeah, yeah from the bullpen we got righty Mitch Stetter

Thompson was bound to go down to some substance, the guy never shaved off the top.

It's the tone they laid out in the comments here. From the beginning of my reading experience the goal was always this: be funny. It's a simple mission. I know Craggs and others do appreciate the insightfulness on certain issues. But, it's that we know to be funny. That's why we're here. People who never think of

@Hatey: Yeah, but you also hate stale fish.

@onestrawplz: Have you met my family? You don't know me!

Tomorrow on Deadspin: newly crowned brother Bill Simmons defends smacking fat asses.


What if it's shown girls father? He's entitled to 50% of what he made!

It's not weird. I'm an Indians fan from Scranton. It's the fact that I actually give homeless people forties instead of cash that makes me weird.


Choo now co-leads the Indians in DUI's, but is first in GHB assists.

Choice then direct messaged Hansen asking for "The Predators" autographs.

Pfft! That's nothing, in 2009 alone Mazda paid one million to Michael Phelps for bowling and pool.

Hey Barry, is Luke going to make a Real/Barca open thread?

Howard Webb skipped long-term follicle loss by wearing actual tinfoil hats... in thunderstorms.

Late to this. +1