
We must destroy it, it is causing global warming

incredible how they can find a molecule in a solar system thousands of light years away but they can’t find that pesky planet in our own solar system. Hmmm.

Nobody is talking genocide camps except for you. It is your method of trying to discredit anyone that has an apposing opinion. By the way it is you who has no knowledge of science except what you repeat off of the internet. I’m going to try one more time THE POPULATION IS ACCELERATING NOT LEVELLING OFF. Between 1900

Genocide camp! That’s a pretty big jump. Are you saying that when there are 14 billion people instead of 7.4 there will be enough resources to sustain us. Get your head out of the sand.

There is only one way to prevent global warming and I know you’re not going to want to hear it. Reduction in population. ;’?: and the chinese just took away the one child one family

You have no idea, nobody does. That was my original point. The article was written to scare everyone. As do all Maddie Stone articles

If you read her post it says that this is the hottest year, I was just pointing out that it isn’t the hottest year that we know of as a matter of fact it’s not even close. Also it doesn’t mean we couldn’t of survived back then just that we weren’t around.

Except for the fact that there was 99% more life during a lot of those times than there is today. That is the time that life was teaming on this planet

Typical, fine people for using them when it’s safe cause it’s easier to get them. Same as when they set up speed traps at places where it is safe to speed a little.

The Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene were warmer so out of the last 225 million years 1.6 million years were cooler than it is today.

The Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene were warmer so out of the last 225 million years 1.6 million years were cooler than it is today.

Hey folks, I think you build the lake too

This graph makes it look like we are cooler than the norm

Doesn’t look so warm

I call Bull...., as you can see it’s not even normal to be this cold

Looks fake to me, when the rocket shows up all around it looks doctored. Who the hell is going to land a rocket on an angle

That isn’t a picture of anything

This electric car stuff is crazy, powering them with dirty coal fired generators. There is only one way of reducing global warming. Reduce the populations everywhere. Less people, more animals, fish, let’s face it more of everything. Now that there is no limit on children in China. Coal hell here we come!

Come on Maddie look at the graph