Eddie Offermann

Right. "People". Not Producers. I'm not defending him - I'm just pointing out that the ramifications of his actions aren't *nearly* as great as people seem to think. A copyright lawsuit will net nothing for reasons that are clear to folks that understand copyright penalties.

Nobody that's in the position of deciding if he's a capable director is going to care if his directorial project was of a plagiarized script. If he was pitching himself as a screenwriter, that would be a different story - but this was clearly a directorial project

Possibly too far outside the Walking Dead universe, but in WWZ there are people called quislings who while still human have gone insane and emulate the zekes. They're regarded as typically more dangerous. I've been curious if we'll encounter a similar group in WD.

There is precedence for the notion that having a walker around keeps you safe. It was part of Michonne's jawless/armless guys on leashes bit. She looked and probably smelled like a walker - which probably helped her survive in spite of her obvious shortcomings in the "protecting herself" department.