
This looks like a Travis wet dream.

That's what The Fonz should have done instead of jumping the shark. Happy Days would still be on the air.

Could that be Enzo's pube?

Custom louvered rear non window.

T6 is the 3.0 turbo I-6 in current models.

Snow banks have tractor beams.

your flex van looks kick ass !

Wait, what key am I supposed to use? Sorry, I missed the first 5 minutes and the 10 other times it was mentioned in the video. Oh, and Boogatee VayRon takes the win.

This is a terrible choice. At 47,000 miles, this truck is in need of new shocks. At $800 each for new fox 2.5's, plus installation your looking at expensive maintenance costs that a new or used regular truck won't incur. Ask me how I know.

This article is spot on.

Japanese sports cars require stickers. You need this sticker.

1995 Defender 90 in red?

Where is the love for the original Sentra SE-R ?

6 - 10% jalop. 90 - 94% bro = Ford F-150 raptor.

Wait. So, a loaded v-6 cts is over 65 grand? No wonder they aren't moving.

The Brumos museum in the back of their shop is a beautiful thing.


Absolutely spot on! It told me 911. It didn't specifically say 1979 911 with LS2 transplant in brown, but it got the gist of the correct answer. Now how do I get out of the grey zone?