
This is the same crap GM has been pulling for years. My 2006 Trailblazer SS had a huge amount of what GM calls torque management built in the TCM. With foot to the floor, the computer would de-throttle at each shift to try and save the transmission. That 400hp LS2 was then putting out less power than it should and

Sometimes your bait is the clickiest.

2 tone paint.

I will trade the raptor in for this if they sell it in the US with the big diesel.

Dream car beyond all other dream cars.

One of these tubbed and lowered with a blown LS2 , sporting that sweet faux wood panelling is my dream build.

buy that man a miata, ASAP!

My vote is for the 2006 Trailblazer SS. In 2006, GM's Red tag pricing discounts meant you could get a 395hp LS2 with decent handling, good brakes and 4.10 gears for $29,000.00.

She's never said that...

My answer to this column is SHIT NO! That's why as a family of 5, I just bought my wife a TDI Passat. Mini van=Hell freezing over

I call staged.

Miata and Fleetwood Brougham

but specifically, what are your thoughts on a 2014 jetta TDI for $22,000?

Rockauto.com is your friend.

I could watch those big tires wrinkle in slo mo all day long. Evidence of all that power that can't be seen in real time.

maybe it lost a wheel

Tires on this thing aren't cheap either. 35s cost big bucks too, but that's to be expected. Suspension that is 100% shot and no good, while the drivetrain warranty is still is in effect is unexpected. The shocks actually retail for $800 each.

Try in less than 2 years. No abuse. Mostly highway use. No off road use over 25 mph. Had them rebuilt, but necessitated shipping them across the country to do so.

The guidelines for the shock rebuild/replacement is 50,000 mile life for 100% on road, 10,000 miles for 50/50 on road/off road, and 1000 miles for 100% off road. Trust me, when I got over 40,000 miles, my truck changed from the best ride and handling to the absolute worst. This is with maybe 5% low speed off roading.