
We expect everybody to treat each other with respect.

The problem with that is BLM want special treatment and demand respect.
Blacks already receive special treatment and privilages, and respect is earned.
Treating everyone equal would have Mark allowing FB employees to post, “White Lives Matter”, or “Brown Lives

The order, signed Tuesday by a magistrate judge in Riverside, Calif., does not ask Apple to break the phone’s encryption but rather to disable the feature that wipes the data on the phone after 10 incorrect tries at entering a password. That way, the government can try to crack the password using “brute

No. There may be one or two specifically and purposefully worded polls to favor Apple, but the majority of Americans WANT Apple to unlock the phone so we can get on with this little thing called investigating and prosecuting terrorism.

A corporation producing and selling a product with encryption for which it does not have a key to assist prosecution in cases of criminal investigation or national security? Unacceptable.

Guess what... those other dozen phones were NOT owned by terrorists.
That’s fine - and each individual case should be examined and adjudicated on its own specific circumstances. Which is how the Gov IS treating them via the individual requests - it’s Apple who are generalizing the issue with blanket terms and

False. The order doesn’t ask Apple to push anything or develop some ficticious Wizard Global Unlocking Key, it DOES ask for Apple to DISABLE the specific locking feature so the FBI can continue it’s own efforts of accessing the info. As it is, if the FBI were to continue to brute force the phone, the locking feature

...it’s several cases...
Exactly, and as such, each case should and is being treated on an individual bases - and in THIS specific case, Cook needs to stop putting his own profits and hypothetical outcomes ahead of terrorist investigations and national security.

... and just this phone.. (for now),
See? That’s the rub - WHY append the snarky “for now” BS on there? Why not, unlock THIS phone, and keep your precious little key in your pocket, and then whine about the later requests then?

Are you seriously quoting Apple? LOL!! OF COURSE Apple/Cook are going to spin the story to their benefit. Good grief. Save the drama for your your mama.

The FBI has made it clear as crystal, that this is a specific request, for a specific device, given this specific situation.
NO ONE is asking Apple to develop a key and

If they were just asking Apple “hey, get the data from this phone and give it to us,” I wouldn’t have ANY problem with that.

I don’t feel Apple is “pro-terrorist” in this, but what DO you call someone who refuses to provide assistance which would further an investigation in domestic terrorism; assistance which would most likely produce valuable intelligence on additional terrorist activities?..

Careful. Apparently common sense and reason aren’t wanted and ignored around here.

I don’t understand why this is even a discussion.

We have a corporation producing encrypted technology that was used by terrorists and the corporation refuses to comply with a court order in efforts to access data that will most likely lead to MORE terrorists, but the corporation refuses? How are people OK with this?

What the Gov is asking of Apple isn’t anything different than what Apple has “already” done for them in the past. What’s on YOUR cell phone that’s more important that your banking, credit, healthcare records, or any other information that Apple DID provide the Gov AND Marketers up until a year or so ago?

As has been
