Edmund Fitzgerald

We should put Trump on the penny and then immediately abolish the penny.

I could see his tax returns so I knew just what a small percentage of his yearly income this was

More specifically, Paul Ryan is currently hard . . . for tax cuts.

Most of the complaints that I’ve heard about Jezebel hasn’t been that it’s woman focused so much as it’s a particular brand of liberalism that isn’t as popular over here. Maybe I just run in weird AV Club circles, but a ton of minorities on this site are annoyed by the whole super white feminist schtick they have

AV Club: also not the fucking President of the United States

Oh, I don’t credit George Lucas for it at all. After the original trilogy, you had an explosion of people in the EU with all different sorts of ideas about how to explore the SW universe. Some of them were stupid - some of them were very creative. Lucas sort of cobbled together the prequels together from that and it .

I would pay Ann Coulter not to have sex with me.

Brendon Thwaites as Nightwing? To quote Krieger, “please, I can only get so hard”.

You’re . . . a little bit behind the times, aren’t you?

Technically, they’re accusing Obama of playing golf not during his presidency.

Ah, but is it an invisible film?

I’m sorry. I blacked out for a moment when I read Kinja.

Could he have, though? With the way this country is going, tape of him saying the n-word may have actually given Trump more support with his base.

Please don’t insult pornography by comparing it to Fox News.

Wow. This was O’Neal levels of snark. Props to you.

Oh, I think the theory says that he’s going to travel back in time sometime next season. But then again, it’s hard to tell because it’s sorta a dumb theory.

I mean, it’s made pretty clear that the Jedi Order wasn’t nescessarily something to be admired in the Old Republic era. Sure, this was pretty much all nonsense in the prequel trilogy, but when you watch the Clone Wars, it becomes pretty evident that the Jedi have become like the Medieval Vatican. They’re as much a

Exactly. I’ll admit that I don’t know as much about Nietzsche as I should, but he really is perennially misunderstood. I am all for deconstructing some of the systems which we live our lives by, but we also have to be prepared for the task of rebuilding them in a more positive way. One of my issues with South Park is

Yeah, for some reason, I’ve never really been into their serialization. Honestly, I wish that they would just stick to one-offs. With that said, I did like Imaginationland and the Coon episodes, but that’s about as far as I’m willing to accept as far as that’s concerned. This show used to openly mock continuity with

Dude, this is the AV Club. We fuck around with everything, and making fun about random cartoons is basically our #1 pastime. Jesus, if you couldn’t handle my comment, just wait till you see what people are saying on the Simpsons reviews. You get over yourself.