Edmund Fitzgerald


I hope my comment didn’t come off as condescending. It was more rage.

Unfortunately, if they were capable of affording a lawyer, then they would never have been charged in the first place. The entire point of this stuff is a power trip against people who can’t defend themselves in order to put them in their place and keep certain people satisfied feeling that they hold a particular

We have space for 50% of the comments screen to be whitespace, but apparently no room for nested comments.

How will they see them if all our posts are grayed?

Okay, if we were all jumping over to Gizmodo or Jezebel and complaining that would be one thing. And I don’t know, maybe some of us are doing that, and I’ll admit that wouldn’t be cool. But right now you’re a guest in our commenting community. You’re on the A.V. Club page. And you’re completely welcome here, but you

Nobody is saying that we blanket dislike Kinja just because it’s different. The point is that we are a specific community with particular needs, and the feature set provided by Disqus helped cater to those needs. The fact that the reasons why we preferred Disqus are simply being steamrollered under the assertion that

I’ll have to stick to my tried and true strategy of replying to the comment at the top of the page, whether or not it’s even remotely relevant to what I want to say.

That’s a really interesting story (seriously, though). It’s weird to realize just how easily everything could be lost.

A ton of us are still trapped in the grays, even though we theoretically were supposed to be automatically lifted out by the account transfers. It’s just one ginormous, colossal mess.

Nah, I think encountering the KKK as soon as I got there just about covered everything as far as telling me what I need to know is concerned.

Oh my God, you read my mind! I was literally just thinking of the same number.

Meanwhile, I still AM blocked because fucking gray accounts.

Oh, thank God. Someone else who irrationally likes Dark Horse.

I dunno, sometimes people enter into conversations in order to learn things and better themselves? You know, gaining knowledge from others through respectful and empathetic discourse. It’s only, like, the bedrock of civilization.

The first experience I had in Fort Worth was practically being chased out of a bookstore by the KKK.

Municipal population or metropolitan area? If it’s the later - yeah, definitely (maybe even undershooting it a little). If it’s the former, that only describes, like, five cities.

So . . . where white people go?

Nah, that’s Fort Worth.

I feel like with recent events (okay, well, the last two decades of events suddenly becoming something people are paying attention to) puts Phoenix into contention for that spot.