
I’m pretty sure nobody is arguing that defense > offense

Only if he hears you refer to it as a “Tripside”

That moment when your player is in seemingly mortal danger and all you can think to muster is to bitch at the sideline official.

Christ dude, it’s 2017.

I don’t see the issue. All Seo was doing was trying to get more traffic to her blog.

Throwing a reckless pass that’s a turnover 9 times out of 10 is what sealed the deal for you?

Melo lets a bad shot go 8-10 times a game.

It’s pretty easy to rip on the Knicks for their aggressive PR response but what do you expect when everyone’s first reaction to this story - before knowing any of the facts - was “fuk da Knicks, Oak is a hero”.

Counterpoint: a golfer can have an off day or a runner finish second in their heat and come back to win. A tennis player has to be better than the guy across the net every single time out or they go home.

Or, you know, maybe the guy who plays with these other guys actually does see a generalised difference in their levels of passion for the team.

You should be looking for a new job anyway because if they’d can you for that, your current one sucks.

Don’t bring personal property into a damn football game.

The fuck you talking about? Wearing a gold chain on a damn football field is just asking for it to be destroyed. Height of narcissism.

“Is it usual/likely for a swimmer to improve their time at the rate and in the amount of time that she has? I honestly have no idea.”

We all just going to ignore the reach-in that should have been called on Klay on that play huh?

You really wanna go with Aubrey “Marvin’s Room” Graham on this garbage take?

This should really be a “Yes” as part of your short debate series but, get dem clicks I guess.

Clickthrough rate on these Kobe articles must be through the roof huh?

That’s nice and all but you missed the “why” part.

The Jazz fan who taunted Derek Fisher about his daughter’s eye cancer would be up there