
Unless it’s an article about Brady’s newfound love for getting wedgies from fans on the street.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yeah, he’s the voice I associate with endurance racing. Radio LeMans should be the default audio for everything. Everything.

-”Ok, here’s is the preliminary idea: two semis, really close, and the Rouge go between them in a close curve, all autonomous”

I want the “Torch Edition”, crafted by hand by Jason “Look this Weird Car” Torchinsky.

Its the first thing that’s come to mind, mine at least. The Veloster I think it’s a little bigger, but that’s a common point in every modern car. The question is how many mid engine hatchbacks is gonna produce Hyundai, didn’t the V6 Clios (Clioes?) were just a few?

I... like them? They are like... is... what...

What the frunk is VLF?

“Honda: 3/10 for not even trying”

It HAS to be a Cosworth. Also with a Mercury the rich owner would have to pull a cord to start it. That’s how boat engines work, right?

That would made an interesting safety measure.

‘89 class here. I began to get interested in cars late, in my mid teens, 13/14 years old. I liked sedans, especially Audi (I was a boring teen). So, I heard Audi was rocking in something named Endurance, Le Mans, Prototypes, whatever. I took a look at it and I liked it. And later I loved it. I was confirmed lost when

So its getting bigger!