Unless it’s an article about Brady’s newfound love for getting wedgies from fans on the street.
Unless it’s an article about Brady’s newfound love for getting wedgies from fans on the street.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeah, he’s the voice I associate with endurance racing. Radio LeMans should be the default audio for everything. Everything.
-”Ok, here’s is the preliminary idea: two semis, really close, and the Rouge go between them in a close curve, all autonomous”
I want the “Torch Edition”, crafted by hand by Jason “Look this Weird Car” Torchinsky.
Its the first thing that’s come to mind, mine at least. The Veloster I think it’s a little bigger, but that’s a common point in every modern car. The question is how many mid engine hatchbacks is gonna produce Hyundai, didn’t the V6 Clios (Clioes?) were just a few?
I... like them? They are like... is... what...
What the frunk is VLF?
“Honda: 3/10 for not even trying”
It HAS to be a Cosworth. Also with a Mercury the rich owner would have to pull a cord to start it. That’s how boat engines work, right?
That would made an interesting safety measure.
‘89 class here. I began to get interested in cars late, in my mid teens, 13/14 years old. I liked sedans, especially Audi (I was a boring teen). So, I heard Audi was rocking in something named Endurance, Le Mans, Prototypes, whatever. I took a look at it and I liked it. And later I loved it. I was confirmed lost when…
So its getting bigger!