
Oh ya great. Tell me that I’m going to get a disease for which there is no cure and no clear prevention. Sure eating right bla, bla, bla is GOOD for preventing or lessening the possibility of getting any kick ass disease. Life isn’t worth living if all you are doing is trying to live longer. Who actually wants to live

I love it! I love it when journalists express almost the exact thoughts going through my head. Unfiltered. Just the truth. Or at least the truth the way I see it. Well, maybe not the ABSOLUTE truth. Its truthy though. You have to give it that.

The problem is with the “Radical Right” and their attempts to cram their agenda down everyones throat. That ideology has no generational boundaries. It is a radical religious movement, but does not require a religious belief. Anger and hatred are its foundation, and is common in all of its adherents. An “us vs. them”

The logic of this article is sound. It also exposes the dark underside of the male dominance agenda that has been played out in practically every society on earth throughout recorded history. Pre-civilization, this practice was based on the superior physical strength of the male. That role of hunter and defender of

These idiots need to get in line. BEHIND the majority of Americans

I can relate to all of these posts. Very sad indeed. I have always hated mothers day, and fathers day for that matter. Both of my parents are sociopaths. No feelings for others whatsoever. My sister was molested by my father, my mother took it out on the rest of us with her anger and instability. Havent spoken to them

I know the sentiment well. This fascination with life of earth is one of the benefits of being an atheist and comprehending the immensity of the universe around us. I feel sorry for those that continue to depend on non existent deities for meaning.