
The most American thing someone can do is to leave a baseball game early.

He saw what we did to Harambe. This bald eagle is no fool.

This is such a cop-out. He is clearly just doing this to avoid getting punched in the balls by Draymond in next year’s playoffs.

Zlatan doesn’t go to teams; teams come to Zlatan.

This is why these need to continue. This comment is exactly why these blogs are so great.

“I couldn’t be more loosened up”

Best Commenter on Deadspin.

The lure of the comment is too strong with these articles. The Siren of the internets.

You lost me at “so fucking lame.”

I wish there was some way you could avoid these articles and comments. Imagine a world where you could see the title on the Deadspin homepage, shake your head, roll your eyes, and move on. That would be an amazing world. It’s a shame it will never exist.

Comments like this are exactly why this series must never die.

I see no reason to leave this comment in the grays.

So what you are telling me is that you are an actual fan of the team, not a fan of the fans, making you, therefore, one of the best fans in baseball.

Nope, it was Bjork and Mindy.

What I want to know is, what was the counterprogramming on Icelandic TV that drew 0.02% of viewers? Real Housewives of Reykjavik? Magnúsdóttir’s Anatomy? Law & Order: Fisheries Crime Taskforce?

Oh so if A-Rod jerks off into a cup its all fun and games, but when I jerked off into a cup at that Walmart it put me on the sex offender list.

Inspired by the prank, A-Rod hit a home run that day. It was a Solo shot.

If that’s not the mission statement of this very site, I can’t think of a better one.

UK say eurozone make it too easy for immigrants to cross boarders, like evil gypsies. How do I make it harder for immigrants to cross into my wife’s vageen?! (double thumbs up)