Thanks for saying what I was thinking the whole time. Has promise, needs polish.
Thanks for saying what I was thinking the whole time. Has promise, needs polish.
I like her too. I just noticed this seemed to be a pretty common characteristic of young trendy people today. If you like something enough you embrace it and don't really care what other people think right? My fiancee is a hipster and I encourage her freedom to express herself, but that doesn't mean we both can't have…
Makes sense since the testicles are temperature regulated by how low - far away from the body - they hang. Being closer to your butthole means they are generally warmer than testes that have a greater distance, and at a certain temperature they tend to die off.
Thanks for the laugh bro. I'm loving how personally you took my comment and how defensive YOU got, and how in the end you accuse me of being a "hysterical fearmonger..."
Why would you need to carry a specialized launcher when you could use the 12ga tazer shell in conjunction with other non-lethal and/or lethal rounds in a standard issue police shotgun? This just seems dumb to me.
You hipsters are so sensitive! Get a sense of humor, laugh at yourself a little instead of immediately denouncing anything that points out the stereotypical characteristics you are alternately proud/embarrassed to embody.
"While there will be those supportive of this campaign, is there not a more effective, presentable and mature way of doing this?"
In response to his good luck, Shebtai should do us all a favor and throw his game on sale for $0.99.
I stopped paying attention when it got all "comic booky" and split into alternate realities, non-canon stories, writers creating Mary Sue characters... I have no idea who this bitch is but I am willing to bet that she wouldn't get Lucas' approval looking like that.
Pulled directly from my ass, augmented by my irateness, straight to your screen.
All she needs is some fashion frames and a sixer of PBR, maybe the Invisible Fixie?
I wanted to go see Queens of the Stone Age touring in support of the re-release of the self-titled album. The only date close enough to me that I could afford to go was Denver. Tickets sold out immediately and now are being sold at a huge markup on ticket sites by scalpers. To say I was pissed off is an…
Make it $0.99 and I'll buy it now.
Definitely. Obviously you shouldn't apply my logic to every piece of government equipment in mothballs across the board. Like staplers still sitting in boxes in the basement of the Pentagon for example, imagine the havoc that could be wrought if we were to bring those bad boys out of storage. Just knowing that my…
At least a thousand times better than the Gnome Chompski vid I just watched.
"expertly crafted"