
WTF is this? Either this trailer is absolute shit or the entire movie is... I can't tell which and I'm not sure I'd risk watching more to find out.

Maybe they think that if they could seclude themselves from certain other cultural groups that inhabit that area - or maybe the other way around - they would find a lot of funding from like-minded investors.

Want to know why? George Lucas' daughter has been writing recent episodes, apparently using Courtney Love as her inspiration for some of the GRRRL power moments. Fuck I'm glad I'm not a kid growing up with this kind of shit on TV.

New Halo gum anyone?

So if the kids eat the Easter Bunny's poop in this movie, will they get Hepatitis C the same way Katy Perry did?

Yeah, I would TOTALLY give my 9-year-old an MMS enabled phone and let him get on Craigslist with it. What's the worst that could happen?

I have a hard time caring about furries having to pay more to get their jollies.

Just curious, but why? Is it because you were looking for a deeper immersion into the game and you feel like the "shoot-em-up" aspect is like a cheap cop-out pandering to the gamers looking for something more accessible, or do you have an aversion to violence?

I can barely think of any words that begin to describe my excitement for this game. I hope it's every bit as good as the trailers make it seem.

I experience episodes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder every time I try to play online on my PS3.

Yeah, I especially like Sue's costume. It's almost like Reed painted it on her or something.

The funniest thing to me is the difference between the cutscenes - amazingly written, fluid and life-like animation, voice acting beyond the level seen in TV these days - and the actual gameplay. It's almost hilarious to see the players' characters involved in some done-to-death cut and paste quest, jerking around and

I see more danger in one of these falling into Mexican coyote hands than Al Queda. They'd be gliding immigrants over the border on the backs of their reverse engineered copies. Bonus: all the electronics and weapons too sophisticated to be copied could be replaced with illegal narcotics!

I dunno, sometimes people just really need to be killed.

The second I saw the spinning Lego ninja commercials on TV I knew bad shit was coming. Lego should stick to letting kids use their imaginations to build whatever they want - ninja aliens vs. underwater mummy knights set in the distant future where rocket powered amphibious gyrocopters race alongside nuclear submarine

Since this show looks like it took very little effort to make, I won't spend a lot of time on my comment. Suffice to say, we will have another quickly-aborted and embarassing-to-discuss Transformers show on our hands shortly. I blame Michael Bay.

Why can't we just make Mexico a good enough place to live so people wouldn't want to come over? How can we make claims to support other countries far overseas with humanitarian and military efforts while we let out compadres to the south languish in poverty, crime and corruption?

How is it that this meme is so old yet it still manages to catch at least one dim bulb every time it is posted?

"We saw this deal - and the $20 per episode XBox Live fees the potential viewers were going to be charged - turned 360 degrees and walked away," O'Brien's agent said.