
Nope, that's just ham that's sliced thinner than spiral-cut and thicker than lunch meat.

We sold the HD DVD player and all the HD DVD movies we had and made a handsome profit after it was announced that they were discontinued. I had a good laugh at Microsoft's expense.

@andrew11: Still, I think they should protect the buried lines with some claymores and tripwires.

I'm laughing about it now, but I'm still involved in the interesting legal situation she put me in. Still, I'd much rather be in my position than hers.

I found this image quite funny for a personal reason:

I literally boo'd. Dunno which is more depressing, the fact that it sucks or that someone worked REALLY REALLY hard on this for a long time and it still sucks.

Yeah okay, admittedly when I read this article I couldn't believe that anyone could be this stupid.

Apple Genius: Sorry, we're very busy today. It looks like you are experiencing a very common issue, can you please reboot the system? If that doesn't work you need to call Apple Support hotline, pay $69.99 so one of our helpful representatives can admonish you for owning an older product and verbally abuse you into

It's growing based on inaccurate information being provided by:

I think you're missing the tone a little. I'm being semi-sarcastic in that a lot of people are using Nolan's movies as a yardstick to measure superhero flicks by these days; that is totally unfair because most superhero movies are made to fill seats - based on explosion magnitude and star-power draw - and to sell

@John: Well I'm glad you can tell me how good a movie is by how much money it made. I think we can just put all those blowhard movie critics to rest now that their jobs are no longer necessary.

You can't accurately measure anything by "hits," I "hit" ad splash pages and banners by accident all of the time. If you are tracking "clicks" on links to pages, the metrics are a little more reliable but still a far cry from an accurate measure.

The actual reason for the move is to be closer to the cloning research and biotech centers on the West Coast so they can make enough clones of Christopher Nolan to ensure their movie franchises remain better than Marvel's in every way.

I don't think there's any way to be sure of that. There are so many possibilities for bad data that would mislead their analysts coming from this type of advertising.

Now just imagine what kind of abomination you could create given a big studio budget and a cast composed of Nickelodeon/Disney teen stars! I bet it would edge out Dragonball Evolution as the worst movie ever made!

I want to know how much revenue is generated from online ads anyway... They are easy to ignore in any form, including these nasty new ones that force you to view them. In fact, I know I am in the large majority that will actually REFUSE to patronize companies that use these methods when it's possible to do so.

So then Symbian would be the equivalent of a chimp peeing into its own mouth?

I liked the movie but I feel like its fatal flaw was casting a big name in the title role instead of a more capable actor. I think Michael Cera did the best he could, but the part called for less of a prepubescent 13-year-old voice through a speech impediment nightmare lisp in my opinion.

Did you let the 13-year-old in you write this post or proofread it for grammatical errors? Because if it's his fault that the second sentence of the second paragraph makes no sense, I don't like him either.

Boo. I live in North Texas. Fall doesn't start until November and lasts about a month before everything dies.