
ITT: fanboys blaming the owner and shrugging off the problem as "an isolated incident."

Hi, been through 5 360's here. No fanboy, we have also had 2 wii's and 3 ps3's... but the fact that the 360 was the only system we have ever had that died on us like this was troubling. Especially considering the fact that it was left on top of our entertainment center under an a/c vent - plenty of cool airflow. Our

As long as it stays RWD and shaves off at least 500 lbs. of expected model bloat I could tentatively throw my hat in the ring. Oh, and please tone down the "style" a little too.

@TheCroatianGuy: no, i would leave her in it, soak the whole thing in Kerosene, light it then jump on top because I would be unclean forever after.

@TheCroatianGuy: You actually had to look that close to find a flaw? How about the excessively oily "dumpster slut" complexion? No? I think the only appeal she has to guys is that we all know a girl like her that works at the local Hooters and gives handjobs in the parking lot after her shift ends if you tip her

lol CamEro.

Honestly, I can't tell which is less attractive. Possession of either would imply trailer park dwelling status... Maybe the scene being shot has Bumblebee and Fox leaving the free clinic with some bad test results - that would explain her face?

We wouldn't want any noxious fuel and tire pollution drifting over the pristine South Jersey Shore, after all.

If you call Jaguar tech support, do you get to speak to someone at the company or is it handled by a call center in India? Oh wait...

ya i like formla 1, u can't make a JagerBomb witout Red Bull. blowin kisses 2 da haterz @ ferrari ;-*

I'm sure I'm not the first to ask...

period style modifications +1

has nobody found this guy yet? this takes trolling to a new level.

I like this guy. I have had my reservations about the GT-R from the get-go, but I would never go so far as to post foaming-at-the-mouth internet diatribes because I drive a 911 in my fantasy world where I can afford to be affected by the rivalry.

@Slyd3z: ah, one negative stereotype begets another, i suppose... since the issue is relative: yes, more reliable than the neon motor.

@suzq044: I dunno, have any SRT-4's competed in LeMons? Let's not lump the excellent ACR in with the current trash that comes out of Dodge's steaming assembly line holes these days, shall we?

@lilwillie: hmmmm... like tossing out already-completed designs for rocket engines that were done by military contractors simply because their own engineers would have been embarrassed at just how bad it would have made their designs look? or wait, i got it - lets go to Mars bitches!