
Juicy Fried Chicken?


“We don’t need to water, let that mfer burn”

I don’t do new year’s resolutions.  But I plan to get a tire patched which is slowly leaking air.  And I will probably change the transaxle fluid when it gets warm outside.

I think I saw a video of a roof panel pop off while driving.  And that highway was relatively smooth...

No one buys a Tesla for durability.  Most people buy a Tesla because it is cool.


I used to have a girlfriend like that.

Bingo.  In TN pedistrians are not allowed to jump into the road in front of a car.  If it happens, then the driver has an obligation to make a best effort to stop.  The pedestrian is at fault.  Look before you step into a street, not at a crosswalk.

I’ll second this.

I’m pretty sure it was the Q100....

Let me know when it can do this.


Start with the budget.

And revs to 8900 RPM in the year 2000.


I love the fuel savings I get by using the 12V system to save the alternator.  But it eats through batteries.

I assume a simple repair is going to be necessarily complicated.

I don’t wash my ride because it makes it look like I go off-road.

I’m pretty sure the trunk should be open too...