
Say it again rusty.

Why would you want to live where your house could burn down more than once? Does anyone else see a parallel to the folks who live below sea level, where their house could flood on a regular basis?

I’ll second this.

CA is the last state I would move to.

Sounds like the problem isn’t the TCM software, but the fact it doesn’t have a clutch pedal.

Is it a 60 degree V6?

I ended up getting a Cruze TDI. The interior is nicer than the cars at the lot, but not by much.

I dunno man.  I was shopping for a new car a while back.  And I went to the BMW dealership.  I said I was looking for 300+ HP and clutch pedal.  They had neither in the $30,000 price range I was looking to spend.  The cars they let me drive had an interior which was nice to touch.  But looked dry.  Like they cleaned

It also had terrible steering feedback for road feel, if I remember correctly.

Yeah.  I don’t see this causing any problems...

TL;DR.  You mean Camry power vs 640 HP that it used to have?

Tactical hardware might not always be the right tool for the job. For the same token, the police isn’t always the right people for the job. I see a lot of “Help Trucks”. They assist stranded motorists. Can police do it? Sure. But these folks are better suited to the task at hand.

You know state level cops do the same thing. I see a noticeable increase in State Troopers towards the end of the month.

Sounds like police unions are contributing to the problem.

Who are the good cops getting hurt?

I’m okay with this.  I’ll even raise you an autocross for the final driving test.

That assumes we have people who want to change the status quo.

What do you mean shitty vehicles?  You know this is Jalopnik.

How would traffic conditions deteriorate rapidly?