
Yepp, its simple and great. I go for Coca Cola Zero and something with a lot of Cabernet in it. Chill everything, add an icecube to make sure, drop in a mint leaf to be fancy or a few drops of lemon juice and you’re good to go. Also, since the Coke and the wine are pretty similar in colour, its a good way to make sure

Exactly. When I have to recommend to a client some hardware that absolutely has to work and has to be reliable, I never even look at consumer stuff, but go to an outlet that deals in off-lease Dell, HP, Fujitsu-Siemens. Those things are rock solid compared to the plastic made-to-fail that is the consumer market today.

Only one problem with your line-up - life expectancy. Of all the brands that end up for maintenance / diagnosis / service in my tech-support business, Lenovo ends up having more serious warranty problems than Asus + Dell + Acer combined. Which is absolutely huge. And the problems mostly related to poor internal

Caramel apples, all the way! Even more so because the only kind of “improved” apples we had in the communism you’re so fond of (since you never had to live in it), were the sticky, candied ones, that tasted like fertiliser.

Levothytoxine is easy to come by - even if all the pharmacies are looted, this is speciality item, unlikely to be stolen and not of any value to anyone who still has a somewhat working gland. Granted, the after-effects of the radiation will raise its value soon enough.

Nothing you can do will prolong the life or fix a failing drive. Yes, I know there is software out there that claims it can, but unfortunately it is not true.

Unfortunately SMART is not very smart in real life scenarios. Tons of hard drives fail with absolutely no prior warning at all. To add insult to an already critical injury, a lot of monitoring software gives an OK status to drives that show signs of impending failure, like reallocated sectors (pending or already