It sounds like they're insufferable on-and-off the court, too.
It sounds like they're insufferable on-and-off the court, too.
I guess the Buck really does stop here.
I'd buy this a lot more if Lynch didn't just make a Progressive Insurance ad poking fun at his unwillingness to talk to the media. The ad left a terrible taste in my mouth. If he doesn't want to deal with the media that's fine, but then to go make money off of his refusal to deal with the media? And the ad certainly…
So Heath publicly exposed himself as as a**hole? Good job!
Too much Tanqueray and Tab.
Not everyone is pleased! Most notably the fans of the teams involved, because they'll now have to set an alarm and get nice and drunk at sun-up.
The woman did not care for the foul language in the story.
Australian for kidnapped.
So Lowery slapped him! He just reached back and full-on slapped a 20-year-old ball boy!
Unless the whole Ballghazi is a way to deflect attention from the Ray Rice case...
Ya mo not B at the Super Bowl.
As someone who has more than a passing acquaintance with Fox Business, let's just say that this does not come as a big surprise.
Apparently the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit doesn't know the way to San Jose.
The Brady Muncher
I remember hearing about how brain sandwiches are really popular in Evansville.
I actually think this is a great idea. He can get paid immediately and get more playing time. I think he's too big a gamble for the NFL right now, at least as a high-round draft pick. But if he can learn in the CFL and establish himself, he can then move to the NFL and earn the big bucks.
Third QB taken? He's started three games!
His cup.
I like the suspense! (Seriously)