
This vehicle looks SO DULL that I can't imagine anyone caring!!!

what is it with this US thing about flashing red rear turn signals? Everywhere else in the world they are amber and they are much clearer and easier to see. They don't have to appear amber from the outside, just when they flash. All this is so easy and cheap with LED technology!

Kid deserves a medal... not easy to be seen in one of those cars!

Well I think Antonio Iriondo should sue the driver - if he was traveling that fast in a 50mph zone he must be criminally liable for the accident.

Very clever scheme - stops anyone from wanting to carjack it..

Why on earth would they get arrested for marijuana in HOLLAND!?

That is a GREAT idea - thanks

That interior is SOOOO CRAP... Look to FIAT for how to make a fancy car interior now... Jeez GM... obviously trying to diminish market share.. must be selling too many cars! ;-)

TomTom/Google solution is typically much simpler and doesn't involve hideous MSerf!

Probably because their cars are so MUCH better than GM - you can fool all of the people only SOME of the time! Seen that clip on Top Gear where they try to kill the Toyota pickup and simply CAN'T!!!

I might add, years ago my dad had a Daimler which had TWO fuel tanks and two fillers, one on each side!!! It was said it would pass anything on the road except for a petrol station!!! Ironically it's fuel consumption was no worse than many gas guzzlers on the road in the US today - and this was in 1967 for

Yeah, I LOVED the gas tank thing when I read it - but since then I have checked just about EVERY car I see and NO, it doesn't work - shame, coz it's GREAT! Lobby the auto industry somebody!

Except that it doesn't recognise my speakers which are plugged in via USB (and ALL other apps have never had a problem with them!!!)

don't you have numbered and coloured areas in your parking lots as per in Europe? That way you just remember Blue 12 or whatever!!! This seems total overkill!!!!

Does anybody know of a current mac program to do these mosaics? The very old one I have will no longer run... Thanks

Jeez, viamichelin has only done this from (oh, let's see!) When they started!!!!

I know, lets just replace the drivers with remote cars racing against each other using satnav... and then ban all live spectators (in case somebody gets hurt!) now what else can we do to make sure nobody gets a little boo boo!!! RUBBISH! Racing is dangerous, everybody knows that, so if somebody wants to be a racing

speed cameras BAD! Red light cameras bad too! But jumping red lights is dangerous, speeding on an empty road is not!

Ah, ze SS is protecting him very well it seems! No, I don't believe he is a nazi but I don't like his previous job....

you should title this tip "How to run up your electricity bill and waste energy!" By far the best way to stop your towels smelling is to hang them up in the sun to dry. One friend of mine who lives in a detached house in AZ is FORBIDDEN to hang his washing outside (as it lowers the tone of the area!) What