
You would be arrested for over-cooking your burger here in France! Whilst there is a slight chance of introducing bacteria, it's only if you leave it sitting around rather than cooking it straight away.

Wot! clean the grill!!! NEVER! Fire will do it best!

Here in France, if you go into the butcher and order steack haché, (hamburgers) they will take steak, cut off the fat and grind it up in front of you, forming them into hamburgers if you wish.. Superbly delicious, but not cheap!!! Though the local butcher is offering 20 for €17 at the moment which is a good deal.

monopolies and mergers commission anyone! Apple products ARE discounted elsewhere!

Gratias enim utentes dolor. Nunc cucurrit tua details et erit evacuans tua propter paulo.

ah, you get all of that (but not floating) at Silent Noise in Goa, along with the gentle rustle of the palm trees in the wind... and delicious Indian food.. wonderful!

As a photographer I can confirm. It's not the lens or even the camera. It's the photographer! Shit in, Shit out!

No, I think we should just agree that SOME children are very stupid, and this is a premium example of survival of the fittest!!!

Kid obviously didn't have a magnetic personality!!

What's nice is how little they've changed

Jeez, my cat could do a better photoshop mockup than that!

ah, cmon.. it was obviously a Russian nuclear missile that Tom Cruise managed to disarm at the very last minute thus saving the world from nuclear war!

This is just BS! of course FB can make the insecure more insecure possibly, but you are assuming that people read FB with jealousy and avarice! Most of us read it to keep up with what's going on in our friends lives, and when something good happens to them, we share in that pleasure vicariously.. If used with an open

actually I knew somebody who once jumped between two planes with NO parachute.. don't know how he matched his speed to the second plane... sadly he's dead now... and not killed during a stunt - his parachute safety device failed and deployed by accident.


what about Carmageddon on iPad.. Now that's what I'm waiting for!!! I miss Carmageddon.. Peds with big heads... Oh yeah!

I just threw up a little!

Since when has Giz been a platform for the NRA?

and curries taste WONDERFUL the next day! Better by far!

Too little, too late!