
‘I only know the best people’, Satan was heard to comment.

I imagine that would go a little like this. Doors are closed and the space is now entirely pitch black. Trump stumbles about confused as he is unable to see in the dark and has already forgotten he isn’t alone in the box (because there is no one else except him in the world). Suddenly a voice whispers into his ear,

Look at how angry Tucker is that a panda is getting more than he is on a regular basis.  Project much Tucker?

I for one can’t wait to learn Shiva’s attack then using this new system.

But an expected sound to hear during the winter, so its not like you should be surprised.  Its like people who move near airports and complain about the plane noise.

Her name is Echo and she is currently a hero in development for Overwatch. She appeared in the ‘Reunion’ short shown at this years Blizzcon with the release of Ashe.  Google should be able to tell you more. :)

Is that truly a fault of Blizzard not wanting to support that kinds of connections or more that the chat in an of itself has become an uncontrollable toxic beast? I might argue that in the day of Warcraft 3 and D2, a chat was generally a place where people conversed like normal humans, as if you all in the same room

Which is also the amount they were giving out to people who were upset the game’s price was immediately hacked in half a week after release. So a person who spent $200 on the CE can look forward to an exciting 1000 atoms in their account (a whole $10). That seems like a proportional amount of effort on Bethesda’s side

I never knew those had codes on them.  I just sit in the aisle at the store and palm all the bags until i get the figures I want.  Each figure has at least one unique item on it that you can identify by feeling for it in the bag, so for me I always know exactly what figure is in each bag.  I didn’t realize people were

That sounds like the whitest thing you could do for an initiation.  Seriously, this is something people want to join?

It wasn’t a ‘good white guy with a gun’, so in their eyes, it was just a ‘thug with a gun’ because the ‘good guy’ only applies with the implied ‘white’.

I let him fight a few wild animals on the road when i came upon him, then snuck up behind him and did a crit assassinate hoping to knock some health off and it did him in in one shot.  Easy ore.

Most of my friendships have ended this same way, where it felt like I was the only one that was starting the conversations or making the effort to stay connected. I had some best friends who got married, but couldn’t figure out how to send me the address to their wedding and it was my fault for not knowing where it

Because doing any of those things ends their gravy train. Why be dutiful custodians of the constitution and the rules of law when doing so will directly affect their ability to hold onto their power, ensure they are well paid during and after office, and pass legislation that benefits only themselves and their

That is likely because they still possess some part of their souls. Their counterparts found out long ago that having a soul and/or heart was a liability and promptly had it removed.

Their corporate overlords were all about cramming the game full of MTXs, but then Destiny 2 Eververse and Battlefront 2 happened and they had to strip a fair amount of that out, so had to rebuild how the game worked. Then you see China as a huge MTX market, and suddenly you have to put it all back in for that

Very nice. I like to cluster up enemies (like on ships) and then use the overpower bow strike. Knockback and good damage. Also the ghost arrows of artemis, won’t alert enemies to your location like nearly all other arrow attacks. I mean I’ve shot a guy at near max range, in the back of the head with a predator shot

For those I normally bow the animal from afar, then when they calm down, sneak up and assassinate them for some health and then start whacking away.  You can also use the assassinate from afar skill to target the animal and then jump to the merc, or just shoot exploding arrows and kill both, or lure them towards other

Enemies suffer from that as well.  Many times I’ll be casing a fort and some soldier standing next to a lit fire source will suddenly catch on fire.  Its like, dude, its daytime and its right next to you, why you on fire bro?

Its a shame Lifehacker (or any of its sister sites) doesn’t have a native dark mode, because Dark Reader, just doesn’t seem to place nicely with it all the time.