Boo hoo, it took me two days to download Spiderman and three to download Black Ops 3 and people are complaining about 5hrs. Really hard to muster up any sympathy.
Boo hoo, it took me two days to download Spiderman and three to download Black Ops 3 and people are complaining about 5hrs. Really hard to muster up any sympathy.
Tried watching, but 1080p twitch stream does not like my connection, so no hoot and holler for me today.
I used to work as a projectionist for a local movie theater and as such got to preview this movie before it showed up in theaters (to check the print for errors or missed splices). I found the film to be deeply unfunny and it puzzles me to this day how another group that watched it later thought it was the funniest…
Lmao. I got that reference even though I haven’t seen the movie in a very long time.
I think he normally enters a room with a full bucket, empties it by eating it, and then beats the staff with the empty bucket. He also has lots of greasy bones he can throw at them since he can’t put them in the bucket with the chicken he hasn’t eaten.
Want a horrible image, that poor woman has seen Ted’s orgasm face (unless of course she was wearing a sleep eye mask, as i would recommend she be doing all along). That right there gives me a small amount of empathy for her (albeit, not much of it).
Ooo Ooo, can Chris Christy be there and while he’s stroking out, reach over and eat the last piece of KFC with a smug little grin on his face while he fades away?
That could have been a treatment for his dementia. Maybe a mellowed out Trump would just sort of tweet out the ingredients of his Little Debbie snack cakes or photos from ‘the residence’ with cake crumbs all over his face taking selfies with presidential busts comparing them to himself. A stoned behind the scenes tour…
We are also the best at drinking that water. We use two hands like a big boy and are the bestest at not making that water shake as it comes to our lips.
This water, oh its so wet, this water. This water that is falling from the sky all over the Carolinas, its just so bigly and wet, as only water can be. My big brain told me so and I watch on the crooked fake news tell everyone about how wet the water is and I’m standing here tell you the same thing, but no one gives…
I think that in itself is what makes me so mad. I was watching Cobert show a clip of women for Trump saying that what Kavanaugh did was just ‘boys being boys’ and I wanted to be in that room and just start smacking some bitches around. I wanted to scream, so its ok if a teenage boy gets aggressive with a girl because…
Gets all shy when you look right at her, but turn your back and she’s out for blood. :)
Maybe he’ll go out there and tell them the red wave is washing across the nation and there is no reason for any of Fox News’s watchers to get out and vote because its in the bag.
Most internet speeds in Japan are between 8Mbps and 50Mbps for about $30-$50 a month, while cable can get you around 160Mbps for about $63 a month. (this pricing is from 2009). New fibre speeds reach 2Gbps down / 1Gbps up, are only about $50 a month. Compare that to your local pricing.
Warframe also comes to Switch on November 20th. Woot.
nvrmind, misread the comment.
Oh come on, you know that would just devolve into a bunch of very confused WH staffers staring at the board saying, but i’m not in the library with the lead pipe, i’m standing right here in the press room with the bookend.
Great, now my only thought is, when they do the autopsy of DT what shade of orange will the sponge that is his brain be?
I scrolled down to the comments to look for confirmation i wasn’t the only one that thought that was super strange.
Nah, it was just a sneeze in the wind. It will be back to business as usual soon enough.