
Good god, could you imagine if they had a child with one of the multitude of childhood illnesses that tends to bankrupt normal middle class parents? I’m not asking for a epiphany like Kimmel had, but maybe something that forces her to learn that there are some battles better left to those actually suffering them

Just think, at some point Trump fantasized about Ivanka wearing those clothes and all the fun things he could do to her in (or out of) them. (sorry about the little bit of vomit you just had to fight back)

And proximity to a fire station lowers the costs of your home owners insurance, raises property values, and promotes well being. Obviously we can’t have those things either, because a fire station is a building whose sole purpose to to provide lodging for those who run towards the fire instead of away from it and

What was sad was I was the only one that burst out laughing during that scene in the theater because I felt like I was the only one who got the joke they were going for.

I large part of me wishes she had just accidentally tripped him and while he goes sprawling out in front of her, she has that cheeky grin she does from time to time and then just keep on walking while he sort of rolls around on the ground like a turtle on his back trying to get back on his feet.

Yay, another Chaos Gate fan. XD

A Thin Man reference?! Take my star you glorious bastard!

No worries, Gamercat was off this week (and next) since the artist is travelling to work at a con, but a new strip will be available the monday after next (the 16th).

I was sort of surprised there hasn’t been any coverage of the stuff you listed after it happened (today a few articles are slowly surfacing). I mean the switch info was online nearly as soon as it was announced but while exciting, seems to pale in comparison to capital ship space combat and multi-crew ships in terms

My first thought was, ‘damn, destiny fans are gonna be pisssssssed’. I remember for years they have been asking for some kind of content to do with their ships, and here is Warframe adding a multimember crew ship with actual in space battles. It was like DE went, I see your new Gambit mode and raise you glorious space

Someone needs to give her Melania’s coat then.  Then there would be no more hidden messages.

Well Brown v Board of Education seems to apply only to public schools (based on 30 second of google and wikipedia) and since this school is private, i’m guessing they are not beholden to the same rules.  Is there a private school B v BoE equivalent?

Yuck. I guess that is what you get when you want the 5 star experience at only the 1 star price point and effort. Its like the people who go into Walmart and expect to find runway brand names at dollar store prices. Polishing a turd doesn’t magically make it anything different.

I wonder what would happen if a legit arm of the MS-13 gang built and ran a golf course, you know a better one right next to Mara-Lago. The mob had legit businesses, so could you imagine a full high class golf course with maybe a 5 star chef running the kitchen and not allow in anyone related to or associated with

I want Heather to be in my squad just to keep telling me in voice chat that everything is fine when I die repeatedly to people much better than me.  It would help lessen the sting and maybe encourage continued play, because now i’m just fodder and its just not fun most of the time.

I was going to say it looks more like a puckered sphincter, but its on a ‘pearl clutching, put out and picked on Becky’ white woman, so its redundant.

Dude I would be that one that says: Can I go for a ride? and then ask why the truck’s number was negative 227.

She got two! since you can see two heads in the last panel.  ARGH! Screw her! XD

You know it is California, so I actually wonder if I could go and get a permit for that?

I think a lot of the problem at the time was that MS didn’t know exactly what the specifics of the project were. They couldn’t answer basic questions, like how does lending work, can i still buy physical games, or explain the system to me like i’m five. It was always, we are working on that right now and have no