
And yet here we are, nearing the end of a console generation, and digital games is how most people buy video games. MS got raked over the coals for doing something ahead of the curve, albeit without a clear coherent plan which would have helped sell the idea, but regardless we are nearly at a point where the digital

It was one of two ways, either using a prepared turkey baster or wearing a lifelike ivanka mask.

This is a side effect of empathy. Should your empathy continue, please consult a doctor because to hear it as of late, entire religions based upon the idea of ‘be excellent to each other’ (a empathetic virtue) have decided this kind of thing is ok and we should support those who do it and use our sacred texts to

unfortunately it looks like its just donut. :( quv rutlh rI’ Hoch!

Which he literally could sell to his base that women have no business being at the forefront of anything, except maybe as a spokeman (see example suckabee sanders). They should instead be reserved for secretarial or ‘house work’ positions, at most, since obviously if you put them in any sort of position where they are

100% agree. Additionally here the US, our view of what happened in Europe was largely what we saw in newspapers and from stories sent home. We couldn’t go a few hours (at most) in any direction and see the horrors of it or how it affected the people. We were insulated by our distance from it. I would like to think if

I would argue that unlike americans, germans agreed as a whole that what was done to others by them, and in their name, was wrong. I have not seen that here nor do i see any sort of shift in that direction, rather a doubling down on this ‘well it was a joke, i’m not sorry you are too stupid to see it that way,

He thought it was just western tv propaganda that a US leader would be this stupid to throw him off his game but then he met the man in person and it was worse than he could have imagined, and this brought him much joy as he will thoroughly enjoy making the cheeto his unwitting bitch.

Well considering the game is dropping the single player story completely and will ship with 17 multiplayer maps compared to the 12 of the season pass, i think people would argue you are, in this context, getting a full games worth of content.

Now playing

Tim Curry is a nation treasure. He looks like he can barely make it through the line without losing it.

As a lore person, can you answer a question for me? Why is it that humanity as a whole hates all the other races? Is it as simple as just xenophobia on a species level or more of a we are better than all so feel my boot upon your neck sort of thing? Personally I would love to throw down allegiance to the Eldar because

You know what would make it easier to keep track of these ‘lost children’, some kind of barcode system. Just tattoo it right there on their arm, back of the neck, or perhaps shoulder. That way you can just scan them in and out like they were packages on an amazon shipping line. I would suggest just tattooing numbers

I think that is more of a joint shame we share, however i’m sure we could find some hungry bears or wolves that would like something lanky and stringy we could airdrop.

She might reply with ‘well i’m white, so neither of those things apply to me’. ‘also i have a spineless husband and a father who wants to bed me, so i always get my way.’

That’s because mother would rather have Trudeau.

Hey Kim, I know you probably can’t take care of the cheeto in the same manner as you did your half-brother (or even uncle for that matter), so as a consolation prize, maybe remove the Hannity boil we just can’t seem to lance?

I can’t as I’m on console so i’m at the mercy of the information available to me from this article and the video above. If you say it works that way, then I will take your word for it as I can only form an opinion based on my past experiences with such things and the limited information available to me.

But the tool as described does none of those things. It appears to be only allow for someone to setup team comp and to specify things like must have mics. Now once you all get into the group and get into a match, if someone starts being a pain, then you can deal with it at that point but the tool as described doesn’t