
Because the kind of pearl clutching fear they want to instill into their base and ‘the poor down trodden white america’ can’t be conjured up with something like drug overdosing. Its just not the sexy kind of fear that rapists, murderers, and job stealing immigrants bring to the table.

That is left to be seen. It should help force more balanced teams into the game but it won’t make an asshole stop being an asshole who keeps screaming into his mic to change to a different healer or dps or tank based on what he wants from you. Endorsements might work to lower toxicity but it would require people

Any of the presidential busts lining the halls of the whitehouse are better men than her husband (and i mean that in a figurative and literal sense).


That and video game violence.

Thank goodness I have all these extended mags lying around, you know for fighting off all those bears that attack schools.

Still won’t be able to make me watch it.

But Kim seems like the guy who would have a way to knock off drump should he scream ‘you’re fired’ at him. Probably something requiring an antidote that would result in the fantastic comeback ‘well i guess you won’t be needing what’s in this vial then mr. president’.

What girl wouldn’t want a teleporting, metal eating, giant guard dog?

Nebula would spent like the first half of the movie irritated by him and by the end he would save her a few times and she would sort of warm up to the big lug and at the end she would steal a ship and run off like she normally does, but he would be stowed away in the ship and just appear while she pulls away and you

Alas I feel that the US of old that had empathy has given way to a feeling of entitlement and fear of the differences that used to unite us. I like to think that we as a nation are, at our core, empathetic to our fellow man and beast, but I continue to be proven wrong again and again through the words and actions of

That is an interesting idea. Would it be like the old Law & Order or some kind of variant from like the DC universe or something that would seem like it came from the CW lineup?

For those looking to grab this on steam, greenmangaming has it for 15% off right now. There are also quite a few people on twitch streaming the game for the last few days or so, so if this tickles your fancy, you can see some gameplay loops before you drop your hard earned money on it.

If you limit it to her last briefing.

Can you imagine how unhinged he might get if one of his exs or his kids started dating someone in one of those groups he rallies so much hate against? I think his head might literally explode.

You need to sell it in terms the industry can understand, its all about the money. Make it something you can charge on your insurance paperwork as a liability and voila new revenue stream (worked for the airlines after all). Children in the house with a registered firearm, well that’s extra on your premium because its

He was only ever a cover so that Ivanka and daddy could get their freak on. He sort of looks like someone you would hire if you needed a non descript white guy to stand around you at a function, like if a coat rack became sentient and just stood around quietly. He looks ok in photographs, so not to take away focus

Worse yet, imagine that an IED or some other explosive device is rigged on those single doors or in a trash can next to the door and induce a panic so everyone is funneled into that kill zone. Or call in a bomb threat that clears the school through a single door that the shooter has scoped out from the outside. Wth is

It could have been that the SAR was leaked to the media first, but when they did nothing with it (like numerous outlets did with things like Weinstein) the person leaked it to Avenatti to ensure it would make it into the public discourse.