And due to a clipping error, lands in my bed. Oh no. *mock anger*
And due to a clipping error, lands in my bed. Oh no. *mock anger*
Im to the point now where i can only assume their licensing costs are super cheap or someone got a groupon for like 100 uses of their songs in trailers and have been desperately trying to use them all up.
Is this a tax deducible donation? I can only wonder if this was done as a political stunt via money funneled through one of his foundations that he can later use as a tax deduction to do something like offset the various lawsuits he had to settle this past year. Worse it could be like his previous donations where he…
You know what i love about this new article title (UPDATED: Megachurch pastor Joel Osteen closes church to flood victims, just like Jesus would have), it makes it sound like he was letting people in, only to decide later ‘nope, that riffraff can go somewhere else’. For some reason it is both hilarious and something…
Of course it might not end up being shame if he ends up sending the people saved a bill, or sending one to the city, or to FEMA for reembursement for time and materials. Seriously i totally expect that within six months there will be some kind of program to help people rebuild and this cunt will file all kinds of…
Who was also incredibly boring.
But in the end of that movie, he got part of a brain that allowed him to speak intelligently. Who would possibly give up part of their good noggin to allow his abby normal one to equalize?
I might hazard a guess that it is shame on a national level (just my personal thoughts since i honestly don’t know). Perhaps after the war and the realities of it sank into the minds of the populous, the idea that something so evil had occurred essentially under their nose and watchful eye, embarrassed them and so as…
True but the ACLU would do the same thing for any group in this situation. The ACLU practices that everyone deserves the right to free speech protected by the constitution regardless of if you like the message or not.
I only had one dream that i wish they could still fulfill and that would be to act out the ‘where is my super suit?’ scene from the Incredibles. And him reenacting the gif of him kicking the door open after standing at the podium. But a coast to coast ass whooping tour i would pay to see.
This only reminds me of the people who move next to an airport and then complain about the planes taking off or landing over their houses. Like no shit stupid, its an freaking airport, what sounds did you expect was going to be happening near it?
sounds like the tag like to Trump Steaks.
Who would have thought history would look back and this would end up being the face of a reasonable, intelligent man?
I think those things get delivered on the date of the release, so next tuesday.
0<1% chance: one of the hookers was actually Putin and he was the one doing the peeing
Was anyone else disturbed that a terrorist attack in another country was the target for immediate el cheeto benito late night tweets, but a terrorist attack in portland (and racist one at that) took him 3 days to post a single tweet on? If it happens somewhere else and he can blame it on muslims, he’s right in there…
Can someone please find a way to get Merkel to stop calling me?!?! Her gags are starting to go too far, her last call made my eyes water.
Maybe if he tweeted it, someone would have believed it.
What’s really depressing is the comments i’ve seen on facebook to this news. People are falling over themselves to pat the back of the great orange bumpkin for sticking it to our allies. Its like these people have no idea how global politics and relations work. I admit that I don’t know how it all works so well, but…
All this deck talk and no picture of said deck. I came expecting it and left disappointed. Shouldn’t have to go to TMZ to get my deck fix for the day. That being said, i did swing over to Lowes and enjoyed myself a plethora of decks of all shapes and sizes, many of which could satisfy me completely.