
Melted away or just parted like the Red Sea? (on a side note, i did not even know this image existed until i googled it)

Baywatch, the movie novelization. A sentence that even as i write it couldn’t possibly be true because its too insane to believe.

I didn’t know there were those kinds of people in Destiny. I’m used to normal mmos where the thinking was ‘get good or get out’. If you weren’t pushing world first, you were left trying to pug it with people who were extremely undergeared and underskilled and you never passed. the ones who were clearing the content

If Adam Sandler/Kevin Smith/Seth Rogen/Seth MacFarlane is allowed to inflict an endless stream of ‘comedies’ upon the masses, i think the occasional musical that my parents enjoy enough to go to the theater and see and watch repeatedly at home can be made without too much fuss.

Well since the game is cross platform @ $60, the realistic steam price to avoid the 30% taken by valve would be in the neighborhood of $86. Now is your friends list and inconvenience of creating new accounts worth $26? Also, can you sell a game for more on steam than you can in other retail outlets as the normal

I don’t get it. How does an act that affects them in no way what so ever, happens every day without their knowledge, and is a choice made by another so detrimental to themselves? Isn’t that like saying the world revolves solely around them and their very religion preaches that is wrong? Why are they allowed to

I imagine it will be like Tim Allen’s hair in the Santa Clause. No matter what he does, it still stays white. XD

Im waiting to see what color his hair changes to. Its a well known fact the stress of the presidency causes premature whitening (hair, not other things), and i can’t wait to see that color change just sweep over that thing on his head.

In coloring book form.

Actually i wonder what the cost would have been if he had sold off everything, put it in the bank and then just used the interest to put his name on things you can buy with sponsorship, like sports arenas. I imagine you could probably get your name for the cheap on a few skyscrapers maybe in Detroit.

FYI all, this is for Prime peeps only.

FYI all, this is for Prime peeps only.

If that is scout’s stance, i have a sudden immediate desire to buy girl scout cookies from any girl who stops by my door (because i am super on board with pro-sexy times propaganda)

But those people aren’t republicans, rich, congressmen, or lobbyists. assholes.

Makes me wonder who he will blame for the school shootings that will occur on his watch (they always happen, so its not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’). Every past president has been somewhat eloquent when speaking to the nation when a tragedy occurs, so is he just going to go golfing and let spicer handle the press

I have the best poops, they are yuge, just yuge, yugest you’ve ever seen.

That teacher picture has probably more women in it than probably all of the WH staff. Also it is hypocritical to blame Dems for shutting down national parks when the giant slightly-sentient cheeto wants to open them up to plunder.

Especially when one of the core tenants of the belief is to love thy neighbor.

Add one scene where they get covered in oil and fight in only ripped hulk pants, and you will sell soooooo many tickets.

We should inform the president of this because that sounds important.

Fuck yeah i did. :D