
i’m trying to figure out what they are all in line for that was cropped out of the picture to the right. Was it the dollar wheel showcase on the Price is Right, are they waiting for Maury to read the DNA results on a Kardashian baby or just the nominees for the douche of the year award?

And then Reggie showed Archie his binders full of women and Moose stood behind them blushing. Ah, those were the days.

I’m partial to Tippy from “Is the order a rabbit?” myself, but Kero is definitely right up there on my list.

and that group will then spend the next umpteenth years bitching about the outcome. Its the old adage, you got no right to bitch if you didn’t vote. Going to have to start asking people when they go on a tirade if they voted and if they didn’t, hit them with a 2x4 and walk away.

Additionally i would argue this is more to cement a new IP in the gamer consciousnesses. Sure it had its outing on X360, but this release is across the major platforms and PC where it can do direct competition against BF1 and CoD for the gamer time and dollars. Its the old saying, the first hit is free.

Only need to announce the season pass exclusives and lets hope we end up with another Evolve.

Meanwhile, THR reports a number of publicists have said they will not have their clients not work with him.

I am very much enjoying Osiris but it really needs some QoL improvements. Basic things like discovered resources on the map would be nice and a more robust mission system. A sample mission says create a fabricator pad, but that pad needs 2 plastics which you have to build from the chemistry station you completed in

I think the gut of news is more the problem without a solution. If i don’t like what Fox/CNN/MSNBC/whatever is saying about the state of the world (and my party’s part in the problem), i can easily switch to another station that will pander to me and reinforce my beliefs. Instead of an institution provoking a

LMAO! $18 to ship the PS+ card to Alaska. Everyone else can manage free shipping but them. *cries*

LMAO! $18 to ship the PS+ card to Alaska. Everyone else can manage free shipping but them. *cries*

If that dungeon master is the amalgamation of all the viewers of a twitch stream who exist solely to screw with the player. It would be like Twitch plays [insert game here] crossed with the movie Gamer.

Hmm even back then he was conscientious about his tiny hands as he has them hidden in his pockets. Seriously, who wears a tux and then puts their hands in their pockets?

For me to scratch that story itch, i’ll watch a let’s play when its released and wait for a sale if i feel the need to play it through myself.

Don’t forget the ninny who cheated on Sandra Bullock. That one still has me scratching my head.

I saw that, cringed, and read on.

That doesn’t look like the gremlin.

But now they can milk that base for another $10 a year.

I for one, sincerely hope that you do not have to eat that hat because i have a real fear that the day after (or even day of) the election we are going to have some kind of event. I can just imagine a series of polling place shootings in swing states based on early exit polls. You may jest that it won’t happen, but we

Indeed. A bunch of teens told that a game has been banned will certainly convince them not to side load it and play it anyway. All teens listen to old men in towers shouting down at them not to do things that look fun.