
what kind of a mind says, hey you’ve unsexualized a cartoon character because of reasons and i’m offended so my only recourse is gunplay?

I watched the live stream and caught the comment about never forgetting the foot cutscene, but from a lore pov its kind of a big deal. The feet, then chest, and then face as you proceed down the dungeon is of Edda of Tam-Tara Deepcroft hard mode fame and a fan favorite due to her sad story and up until this point,

all about the player’s money. they just wrote the end in same color ink as the background.

You get my star for knowing who Nick and Nora Charles are. XD

And this right here is why, no matter how much i really want to play Overwatch (and i do, it looks like a blast), i just can’t bring myself to buy the game because i’m not keen on having my good time ruined by people who want more from me than i can deliver. Its like any other CoD or Battlefield game, I may really

This, 100%. I remember when i first started playing and wandered into the DZ out of curiosity (before they buffed the ganking rewards and penalties). A group of people sort of migrated to a airdrop point and were fighting as a “team” holding off the enemies and watching each other’s backs as they loaded up on the

Looks like some CoD on a PS4 but which one i don’t know.

My Kirby Nendoroid needs a Mechsuit STAT!

To be honest, making enemies explode in the Division was one of my favorite things. Lots of crit shots on tanks to weaken up some groups.

Yeah, strangers were working together to accomplish goals and help each other out. It was so horrible they had to patch in a buff to get people to gank each other.

Believe it or not, its not totally random, its all determined by the distributor and the theaters have to put certain trailers on certain prints. A house might have 4 prints with 4 different trailer packs (unique to each print) but things like the attached trailer, which i suspect is Zootopia, will be on all the

I’m looking for something that can stream the anime from my computer (or network storage) onto my tv, either via my PS4 or X1. Normally i would use the PS3 Media Server since it works amazing, but i’m looking for an upgrade to that system since it normally requires my computer to process that alone and i want to use

You can’t harsh on Mister Noodle too much because for 3 years he was played by Michael Jeter, and he was the only thing that made that segment watchable.

Its not that the cosmetic item is inherently bad, its the stigma that if they add this item where will they stop? We, as gamers, put a lot of faith in publishers and developers to keep their word but they are doing so less and less often and the industry as a whole is starting to get an air about it that seems to

I would argue she still is.

My problem with the BB&B coupons were that the exclusions made up the bulk of the paper it the printed on. Then I would go to the store and purchase something and find that it too was on the exclusion list. It was at that point i put it all down and went home and shopped online.

I have this and the first on my steam wishlist to purchase at some point because i like xseed and i fully support any company who localizes anything just to get them to localize more games, i just don’t have the time to sit down with a tens - hundreds of hour jrpg on my pc. I envy those who can and do, i just can’t

Well the music did come from a royalty free music site, so i suppose all their effort went into graphic design and used what they could get their hands on for the audio (free or self recorded).

Sometimes there is never a good place to put a bomb.

Is that supposed to be Steve Jobs or Kelso, because i only see Kelso and i’m more concerned about who would hire him as a manager of anything.