
It's enough to make a grown man cry. But not this man! Get back in there, tear!

Have to leave the doors open to whatever room they choose to stick them in, if only to allow air to continue to flow into the room since so much ego in that room will likely push any available oxygen out. You could argue that if the oxygen runs out, the room would become so much better, but its likely their bodies

All I saw was legs and suddenly I couldn't see the kitten anymore.

Look Santa, my wife just went into labor so I don't really have time right now to do field repairs to your sleigh.

I fail to understand why this is damage control? In an era where the manual is not printed let alone read, how else are you going to learn how to do things? What is easier to understand, a list of commands you can use on your console explained in generic and often confusing ways on a webpage in plain text, or a

I think the goals don't have to be completed at once, just over the course of finding different solutions.

That makes me happy each time I see it, and I work in tech support. I kind of want that on a t-shirt. Spock Smash!

Actually Jon, if I had to be honest, I couldn't find the press box. I'm starting to think it just doesn't exist. I went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth, for an hour. After a while my neck started to hurt, so I just left.

Strap yourselves in, its going to be a bumpy ride!

Would that be considered a preexisting condition or a voluntary one? I guess the insanity could be traced to before the marriage, so at least part of the medication would be covered as preexisting.

Another of my all time favorite video game OSTs! I could listen to this album all the way through and not feel like my time was robbed at all. Makes this game great almost by itself.

Now playing

I love all the music for the Halo games. Although if I had to be completely honest, I'm a little bias for the song played during the 'Believe' ad, which in my opinion of one of the greatest ads ever conceived.

Considering there are no spoken words at all during the game, the only sounds you have is the music to convey meaning onto the events the player is experiencing. This and the Flower OSTs I bought without hesitation without ever hearing them because for me they make the game all that much better and I can play them

I can't imagine trying to flip a queen or king by ones self but a twin isn't all that bad, just have to watch out for the ceiling lamp.

Because Treble is so much better.

Someone get me Chris Hansen stat!

George doing anything is sexy.

Funny I thought it was the BS meter.

Pre-order exclusive content I don't mind if its released for all eventually (because it normally isn't all that great to begin with). However the fact that Gamestop usually only gets some of these exclusive content things, is very uncool because there is no way in hell I'm going into one of those places ever again