
I too was confused initially because both stories seemed to involved blonde, blue-eyed girls taken from Roma families but with different ages. To be honest I didn't know it had even happened in Dublin given all the press for the one in Greece.

A mature player base is a fantasy. Until we can filter out players based on their real age (as confirmed by multiple sources beyond just a credit card), there will always be immature players. There are immature players who are 'mature', so I find the entire concept of a mature player base, lunacy. They only way to

Cubis for iOS isn't 'free', you only get the first world with tour 'free' download and you unlock an additional 3 by upgrading to the 'pro' version for a buck. Not really a sale imho.

Conjurer is probably one you should lvl if only for the protect skill. It can be used by all classes and that incremental physical defense boost is good for the tharumage since they are essentially a glass cannon. The cure skill will also be useful and lvling up to a resurrection skill is good as well but you won't

Big fan of tharumages because they get sleep at lvm 10 but few use it (white mage gets at somewhere in the 20s). Good practice for using sleep depends on the tank. Warrior tanks have a cone aoe that they use for threat, in which case don't bother sleeping, even through in a few fireii attacks in your cycle since you

If it's not "the Jackal", I'm sorry I just can't get excited about it.

If it's not "the Jackal", I'm sorry I just can't get excited about it.

Too bad I'm sure you don't play on my server (Phoenix) because I could use a good FC. Just wait until you start seeing the general failings of pug groups in the early dungeons due to inexperienced tanks (which I can forgive), undergeared tanks ( less forgiving), tanks who can't agro properly (first dungeon ok, fourth

FFXIV here as well. Spent so much time in that world, totally neglected my new copy of Beyond: Two Souls, my old copy of Splinter Cell: Blacklist, and didn't even notice that Swap Force came out. I even left two Lego sets unassembled, the horror!

Not just with state agencies, in businesses where you expect competent, literate, and intelligent people to be diligently working, an accidental 'reply all' can devolve into a shouting match of 'stop hitting reply all', 'no you stop hitting reply all', 'the next person who hits reply all is going to have their account

Are they also the guys on the blue billboard at around 2:10 to the right of the red polka dots painted building? Can't really tell since I don't really know what anything says in the background.

And in this case a table flip will not reset the game.

What if they expanded smart glass to run in this type of environment so you could do things like have interactive maps or guides that would run in top of the feed. You could do things like have collectible trackers so that as you got near them a popup that only appeared when doing this would appear pointing stuff out.

As much as I would love to play this game, its not enough to make me want to get a Wii U or a Wii for that matter. Sure things like Pikmin, The Wonderful 101, Rune Factory/Harvest Moon series, any Metroid , and a few of the JRPGs are interesting, its just not enough to make me want one. Same could be said for the

Woah. Due to load times on my iPhone, I saw the headline for this article, started in on the summary saying these folks were just cast for Fifty, then was treated to the picture of John Mayer and katy perry as the loading caught up to the sponsored post. That certainly was an eye opener.