
These two people are a bad and false example of Christians but unfortunately the bad apples always get more attention than those who live by their faith.

I am a Christian and there are plenty of Christians who are against how he runs his church. Some of which who have interrupted his sermons in the middle of service to speak out against it. His way is NOT biblical. But I don’t think I need to tell you that because you obviously know what’s up. But like said, not

There are some pastors who live by the Bible. I feel like only the bad apples get the attention and then everyone stereotypes all of them like that. It’s unfair to those who are actually out there fighting the good fight helping people to grow in their faith and being good people.

If this is true Christianity does not support this. God wants us to help people in need no matter what. You see Jesus in the Bible hanging out with people and helping people in the Bible who did not live good lives. If that’s not enough evidence; Jesus suffered the cross and died for EVERY PERSON whether they lived a

I’m not sure whether Osteen really turned them away with only his “thoughts and prayers” this article doesn’t really prove that. I’d have to hear his side of the story and from an article that isn’t biased. I’m not a fan of Osteen or the way he runs his church but I’m also not a fan of obvious hate and lack of respect