
What would really be cool is if they are releasing an ever evolving MMO Zelda world. And that the game is something that comes with the next Nintendo console. That would make me sell my Xbone and switch my old man body back to a 13 year old MMO/fantasy fan boy... something akin to Zelda/Stardew Valley mashed together

Man I can’t wait for another Battlefield. They just have such staying power and seem to do a lot right even among their flaws. Really looking forward to this regardless of the title... :)

This made me laugh out loud in my office. GG..... :)

Emma.... man oh man I don’t know what it is but I think she is the hottest thing a live right now. I don’t know if it is her mannerisms or if I have some hidden thing for quirky red heads but there is just something about her.

I hate to truly admit this but deep down inside I want Nintendo to do really, REALLY, well. I have an Xb360, Xbone, PS3, Wii, and other systems but the raw pleasure and joy of playing Nintendo games is so primal and simple. There is no confusion on why you are enjoying what you are playing. From the graphics to the

The outcry is over the possibility of what could come... not what it coming. I agree with you 100% what people have found is harmless. From someone who has played since Vanilla and continues to play, these boosts will change nothing about that game that is meaningful.

This whole article comes off so cynical that it begins to make me feel like you needed guidance through this whole process..... I truly began to feel pity. Installing and downloading, whether it be updates or full games is the now, and I am constantly surprised by how many people continue to write articles on how

Patrick — can’t seem to find their gamertag... one of them wouldn’t happen to have been GhostBall or BigBlackJack would it?