
So was Tony Stark. Plus Tony has five or six Ph.Ds.

50 million is rubbish, especially when it can't even hit 5 million in America or 20 million in China (more like 14m in China - which is like a 1.5 share here…!).

A "master chef" who can't really cook, though — what about all the plotholes and lazy writing in "Sherlock"? Plus, as dontmindme points out so ably above, what about all the heinous behavior Sherlock enacts, hurting all those around him and never being called to account for it? It's hard to watch - and they make a

Not to mention "all bombs have an 'off' switch." Or the fact that ALL of us predicted that there would be no plausible explanation for Sherlock's surviving the Reichenbach fall. (Gee, who could have known that? We did! BOOM!) Weak, lazy writing!!!!

No, no, no - neither one of them are "replicating" the Sherlock Holmes stories. Both of them are re-imaginings. "Sherlock" in particular replicates almost NOTHING of the Holmes stories or novels - it is an adaptation just as much as "Elementary" or the Robert Downey movies are adaptations. They ALL re-write the

The novel of "Sherlock." Right — yes, the plane full of dead people. Sherlock letting Irene go even though she's in collusion with international terrorists who threatened his country. "Every bomb has an 'off' switch." Oh, really?

Where are you even getting those numbers - and why do you only have a potential 27 million TV households for Sherlock, while Elementary has 116 million? Are you comparing Britain to U.S.? Apples and oranges. No one cares what the viewership is in Britain (least of all Hollywood, LOL). Let's stick to only U.S.

What did I just read??

And you make that argument so eloquently.

Nevertheless, "Sherlock" seems to be going downhill. This latest season is their worst; they're even saying so in the U.K. And it only reached 4m viewers for its season debut in the U.S. yesterday - that's NOT good, especially with all the hype. It lost 4m or more from its lead-in, "Downton Abbey."

I saw S3 and thought it was by far the weakest of the Sherlock seasons. It doesn't "smash" ANY of this author's arguments. It started out fairly strongly with "The Empty Hearse" but then degraded into comedy (even slapstick!) and soap opera (come on!). And more sexism.

That's funny - I have heard not the slightest "outcry" over turning Watson into a woman, except from 14-year-olds who felt it interfered with their notion of slashing Holmes and Watson with each other. ("Slash" = fan fiction term for two male characters in a romantic or erotic relationship.) Quite the contrary - the

On the other hand, I thought S3 of "Sherlock" was ABSOLUTELY its weakest season yet. I didn't feel any emotional beats - it was all comedy and soap opera!


Brilliant article, and as I just watched series 3 of "Sherlock," this pretty much sums up EVERYTHING I thought. Series 3 was the weakest of all the "Sherlock" seasons. Yup, everything revolves around Sherlock, every character exists just to serve or fawn over Sherlock. That is getting very old very fast.